Meat cold storage warehouses should be strictly kept under hygienic condition. Because meat cold rooms are the areas in which microorganisms tend to grow and constitute a serious risk.
Following operations are required to ensure hygiene.
• In the cold room, all wastes should be eliminated immediately.
• Each time when the room has been emptied, the floors and walls should be washed with detergent and hot water after that it should be rinsed with clean water and a solution containing active chlorine (0.3%) should be sprayed.
• Pallets and containers should be cleaned every 4 months.
• Chilling rooms should be disinfected twice a year for 48 hours; frozen storage rooms must be disinfected at each discharge.
• Before placing animal products in cold rooms where fruits and vegetables stored previously; the room should be washed to remove the odor, long-term ventilation should be done and finally solutions which contain ammonium salts should be sprayed.